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 Home > Romania > Tourism > Motilor Country

The Motilor Country, also known as the “Stone Country” is an ethnogeographic region of Romania located in the Apuseni Mountains. It is the area where the rural tourism and ecotourism have developed extremely well. Although it is called a "Country", the term does not imply any political, social or administrative statute. However, it’s an archaic term referring to a more or less isolated depression.

The area is well known for its folkloric traditions, its special landscapes and the karst relief that caused over 800 caves in the area, such as the Scarisoara Cave, Focul Viu Cave (both with interior glaciers) and the Ursilor Cave, unique due to the impressive quantity of marks and fossils of the cavern bear, which disappeared 15,000 years ago. Also, a great attraction for tourists are the Turda Gorges, a protected natural reservation, 6 km to the west of Turda. The Ponorului Fortresses, one of the largest karst complexes of Romania, located in the Apuseni Mountains, is also unique.