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 Romania and NATO

July 1990 – The Prime Minister of Romania, Mr. Petre Roman addresses a written invitation to the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Manfred Worner, to visit  Romania. The letter, also suggests appointing a Romanian ambassador at NATO.

October 1990 – The Romanian Ambassador in Belgium is authorised to  initiate diplomatic relations with NATO

October 1990 – The Romanian Prime Minister meets the NATO Secretary General  in Brussels.
December 1990 – The Chief of the Romanian General Staff visits NATO’s Headquarters from Brussels and meets with the NATO Secretary General and with the permanent military staff of the NATO member states.

July 1991 - The NATO Secretary General, Mr. Manfred Worner, visits Romania.
October 1991 – The President of Romania, Mr. Ion Iliescu, sends a message to the NATO Secretary General stating Romania’s availability to engage in a close cooperation with NATO, since this is the only organization politically and militarily capable of providing for the stability and security of the new European democracies.
December 1991 – The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs attends the first reunion of the North-Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC). He proposes a closer cooperation with NATO.

February 1992 - the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Manfred Wörner, pays a visit to Romania. The Euro- Atlantic Center is officially opened.

February 1993 - President Ion Iliescu visits NATO’s Headquarters. Romania’s wish to be integrated in the Euro-Atlantic structures is re-stated.
October 1993 – The USA Deputy Secretary of Defence pays a visit to Bucharest and presents the American proposition to create a Partnership for Peace.  


January 1994 - Romania is the first post-communist country to join  the Partnership for Peace Programme (PfP- 26th of January 1994); the individual programme is signed in  1995.

October 1995 - Romania signs the Agreement regarding the Status of Forces among NATO members and participants to PfP.

May 1996 – NATO Secretary General, Mr. Javier Solana, pays a visit to Romania.
June 1996 – The Romanian Parliament launches an appeal to the NATO member states asking for support in order to meet Romania’s wish of becoming NATO member state. The appeal emphasizes the internal political consensus regarding this major objective of the Romanian foreign policy.

February 1997 – The President of Romania, Mr. Emil Constantinescu, meets the members of the North-Atlantic Council as well as NATO Secretary General, Mr. Javier Solana, in Brussels. The President used this occasion to once again underline Romania’s firm will to join the North-Atlantic Union.
April 1997 – The Romanian Parliament unanimously adopts a message addressed to the 16 NATO members, asking for their support in taking a decision in favour of Romania, on the occasion of the Madrid summit.
July 1997 – On the occasion of the NATO summit organised in Madrid, a few countries are invited to join the Alliance: The Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The final press release confirms that the Alliance will continue the enlargement process; the text nominates Romania among he candidate states that made significant progress in meeting the NATO joining criteria.


April 1998 – NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana, pays an official visit to Romania.
October 1998 – The Romanian Parliament approves NATO’s request for the Alliance’ airplanes to use our country’s air space for potential military operations against Yugoslavia, only under exceptional and emergency circumstances.

February 1999 – Romanian and USA military forces establish a centre for air traffic surveillance able to cover not only Romanian territory but also neighbouring areas.
March 1999 – Following a NATO request, Romania closes three airports in the west of the country - Timisoara, Arad, Caransebes – till the end of the Alliance operations against Yugoslavia.
April 18th 1999 - NATO requests that Romania to allow its air space to be used by allied planes.  

April 20th 1999 – The Supreme Council of National Defence (SCND) and the Romanian Government follow the request.
 April 22nd 1999 – The Parliament authorizes NATO planes to use Romanian air space during operations in Yugoslavia.
April 23rd – 25th 1999 – NATO Summit in Washington: NATO presents  MAP (Membership Action Plan) which lays the bases of a programme meant to individually train and assess the candidate countries.
May 1999 – The Ministry of National Defense confirms that NATO air forces are entitled to use Romanian airports throughout their operations in Yugoslavia.  

May 1999 – Romanian government representatives and NATO representatives sign an agreement defining the conditions under which Allied planes may use Romanian air space.
June 17th 1999 – Romanian Parliament majority-voting approves the request of President Emil Constantinescu to allow Czech and Polish  contingents, part of the international peace maintenance troops for Kosovo (KFOR),  to transit Romania towards Yugoslavia.
July 1999 – NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana, visits Romania.

February 2000 – NATO Secretary General, George Robertson, visits Bucharest.
June 2000 – The Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe, General Joseph Ralston, pays a visit to Romania.

May 2001 – NAC Reunion - Romania. The general progress in reaching the aims of the NATO Joining National Plan, phase II, is analyzed.
May 2001 - The EAPC ministerial reunion, held in Budapest, where Romania  also attends.

September 2001 – The Parliament decides, with overwhelming majority, Romania’s participation, as NATO de facto allied, in the fight against international terrorism by using all means available, including military force.  Romania decides to provide access to its air space, airports, terrestrial and maritime facilities, in case NATO requires access to any of these.
December 2001 – EAPC ministerial reunion, Brussels.
December 2001 – NATO Secretary General, Lord George Robertson, pays a visit to Bucharest.

January 2002 - The Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe, General Joseph Ralston, visits Romania and appreciates the progress made in the military reform department.
March 2002 – “The Spring of New Allies” Summit is organized in Bucharest for NATO candidate countries.

April 2002 – NAC Reunion - Romania. Romania’s latest progress in reaching the aims of the National Annual Plan for Joining  NATO, phase III, had been assessed. The Romanian delegation was led by the Prime Minister, Mr. Adrian Nastase.
April 2002 – The meeting between President Ion Iliescu and NATO Secretary General, Lord George Robertson, in Brussels.
May 2002 – EAPC ministerial reunion, Reykjavik.
November 22nd 2002 – NATO Summit in Prague – Romania is invited to commence the joining discussions.
November 22nd 2002 – EAPC ministerial reunion, Prague.
December 13th 2002 – The first round of negotiations regarding Romania’s joining NATO was held in Brussels. The Romanian delegation was led by  Mr. Mihnea Motoc, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

January 9th 2003 – The second round of negotiations regarding Romania’s joining NATO was held in Brussels.
January 27th – 29th  2003 – The NATO expert teams for defence, security and economic issues visit Romania.
February 18th 2003 - SPC(R) + Romania Reunion is held in Brussels. Romania’s schedule for completing the reforms is under discussion.
March 3rd 2003 – NATO Secretary General, Lord George Robertson, pays a visit to Romania.
March 21st 2003 – Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs sent a letter to the NATO Secretary General confirming Romania’s will and ability to fulfil its commitment in becoming a full member of NATO. Romania’s schedule for completing the reforms was annexed to this letter.
March 26th 2003 – The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs will attend the Joining Protocol Signing Ceremony in Brussels.
April 4th-5th 2003 – The informal reunion for of the prime ministers of the 7 countries invited to join NATO is held in Snagov.
May 7th 2003 - NAC + 7 Reunion from Brussels.
May 7th-8th  2003 – The seven ministers of foreign affairs form the countries invited to join NATO visit USA, on the occasion of the Senate vote on the resolution to ratify the Joining Protocol.
May 8th 2003 – Ratification of the joining protocols by the USA Congress.
May 20th 2003 – The reunion of the heads of parliaments from the member states of the Vilnius Group and from the NATO member states.
June 3rd 2003 - NAC and EAPC ministerial reunion, for foreign affairs ministers held in Madrid.
June 12th 2003 – Ministerial reunion for defence ministers held in Brussels.
July 25th 2003 – The Ceremony of taking over the Presidency of the South Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial Coordination Committee (SEDM-CC) and of the Political Military Steering (PMSC) of the Multinational Peace Force of South-Eastern Europe (MPFSEE), of the command of the SEEBRIG multinational brigade, as well as moving SEEBRIG Headquarters to Constanta.   Admiral Gregory Johnson, commander of NATO’s southern flank, AFSOUTH, was present at the event.

August 4th-5th 2003 – The official visit in Romania of The Supreme Commander  of Allied Forces in Europe, General James L. Jones.

October 6th-10th 2003 - NATO/PfP DACIA exercise - 2003, Pitesti. November 5th 2003 – the lay of PNA V.
November 18th 2003 – The SPC(R) + Romania Reunion, Brussels, for discussing PNA V.

December 2nd 2003 – The EAPC ministerial reunion for ministers of defence, Brussels.
December 4th 2003 – The NAC+7 ministerial reunion for ministers of foreign affairs, Brussels.


February 9th-11th 2004 – the informal reunion of the Ministers of Defence of the NATO member states organised in Nisa (France).
February 26th 2004 – The Romanian Parliament unanimously adopted the law about joining the North-Atlantic Treaty.

March 1st 2004 – the law for joining the North-Atlantic Treaty is promulgated by President Ion Iliescu.
March 4th 2004 – President Ion Iliescu signs the document regarding Romania’s joining the North-Atlantic Treaty.
March 29th 2004 – Mr. Adrian Nastase, Prime Minister of Romania, signs the document for Romania’s joining the North-Atlantic Treaty, in Washington, USA.
April 2nd 2004 – the ceremony of hoisting the state flags at NATO’s Headquarters in Brussels, and the informal reunion of the ministers of foreign affairs of the NATO member states.   

April 20th 2004 – the meeting of the Romanian minister of foreign affairs, Mr. Mircea Geoana, with the ambassadors of the NATO member states accredited in Romania.
May 10th-12th 2004 – Mr. Jean Fournet, deputy of the NATO Secretary General for public diplomacy, visits Romania and attends the  “Changing Perceptions in South Eastern Europe" seminar.
May 13th-14th 2004 – NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, visits Romania.
May 28th – June 1st 2004 – The spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly held in Bratislava.
June 14th-15th 2004 – The annual reunion of the PfP Consortium of the Defence Academies and Security Studies Institutes takes place in Bucharest.   

June 28th-29th 2004 – NATO Summit in Istanbul.
Romania’s participation, for the first time, in a NATO Summit, as member with full rights, proved that our country is from now on, part of the transatlantic decision making process in the security field.  

October 13th 2004 – the informal Reunion of the Defence Ministers from the NATO member states takes place in Poiana Brasov.
October 23rd-31st 2004 – The NATO Committee for military budget pays a documentation visit to Romania (and Bulgaria).
November 12th-16th 2004 – the annual session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Venice.
December 8th-9th 2004 – The Brussels Reunion of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the NATO member states.


January 12th- 13th 2005 - The Commander of the American Forces in Europe (EUCOM) and The Supreme Commander of the NATO Forces in Europe (SACEUR), General James JONES visits Romania. The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reconfirms Romania’s interest in hosting American facilities on our territory.

February 22nd 2005 - NATO Summit in Brussels. Romania is represented by President Traian Basescu and by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mihai Razvan Ungureanu. The main issues of discussion were the Alliance’s Missions in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Balkans, as well as the Alliance’ cooperation with Russia and Ukraine.

March 30th- 31st 2005 – The second Conference of the Ministers of Defence from the states attending the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP). The main topics of discussion are the re-conversion of military units and of military personal released from duty.

April 2nd 2005 - Romania has been a full-member of the North Atlantic Alliance for one year. On this occasion, NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer stated that “Romania’s joining NATO together with six new member states, one year before, has benefited not only Romania, but also the Alliance as well as the security of the entire Euro-Atlantic region”. In order to underpin the historic importance of joining the North-Atlantic Organization, Law no. 390/2004 is passed, regarding the celebration of the “NATO Day in Romania”, on the first Sunday of April.  

April 20th - 21st 2005 - The informal reunion of the ministers of foreign affairs of NATO member states is held in Vilnius.
Romania is represented by Mr. Mihai Razvan Ungureanu. The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs underlines the importance of democratic development of the NATO eastern and southern regions, for the entire Euro-Atlantic security.

July 8 2005 - Within the North-Atlantic Reunion in Brussels, Romania joins the other allied states and condones the terrorist attacks in London, restating its support for preventing and fighting against terrorism.   

November 18 2005 – NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer granted the Romanian diplomat, Cristian Tudor, the „NATO medal - non article 5” as well as the certification diploma, for his contribution to the Iraq Training NATO mission.

November 23rd - 26th 2005 - Romania presents the role played by the Alliance as the main instrument in guaranteeing common security, within the 10th  International NATO Conference on „Transatlantic security and defense co-operation: lessons learned and future challenges”. Romania’s point of view at the reunion held in Hungary was delivered by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Anton Niculescu.

December 8th 2005 - Romania establishes an Inter-institutional Committee for NATO issues. The Committee is a consulting forum that coordinates  state institutions in order to promote the interests of the country as part of  NATO and to fulfil the obligations undertaken by Romania as an allied member.


April 3rd 2006 – For NATO Day, the Minister of Foreign Affairs organised, together with the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, a conference entitled "NATO in the Riga Summit mirror".
NATO was represented at the event by Mr. Jean Fournet, Assistant of the NATO Secretary General for Public Diplomacy.

April 27th-28th 2006 – The informal reunions of the ministers of foreign affairs from the NATO member states were held in Sofia.
May 12th 2006 – At the North –Atlantic Alliance’ Headquarters Romania signed the documents for launching the NATO Assistance Fund/ Partnership for Peace programme– OSCE/ENVSEC (The Environment and Security Initiative) for disposing hazardous chemicals and pesticides in the Republic of Moldavia.
Romania took over the position of coordinating country for phase I of this project, together with Belgium, while acting as NATO Contact Point Embassy at Kishinev (CPE), for the period 2005-2006.

May 30th – 31st 2006 – Romania organised the international seminar “NATO – a security model for cooperation. How can the Joining Action Plan (JAP) and the Customised Action Plans for Partnership (CAPP) contribute to the reinforcement of  national and regional security within the Partnership for Peace (PfP)”. The Reunion was meant to stimulate the exchange of expertise between allied countries, NATO candidate countries from the western Balkans, the member states of the Partnership for Peace, and Ukraine.

July 31st 2006 - NATO takes over from the USA the task of ensuring security in the south of Afghanistan, a decision greeted by Romania. Romania has a major contribution to the NATO mission in the south of Afghanistan. Romanian military forces take part in providing for the security of two provinces, Kandahar and Zabul, together with Australia, Great Britain, Canada, Estonia, Denmark, Holland, and the USA.

September 21st 2006 – The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu, attended the informal reunion of foreign affairs ministers from the NATO member states, organised as part of the General Assembly of ONU. When discussing the next Alliance’ mission, Romania pleaded in favour of developing three dimensions:  reinforcing the role of collective defence mechanism,  promoting stability and democracy in the immediate neighbouring countries – the Balkans and the extended region of the Black Sea – as well as contributing to international security.

November 6th 2006 – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu, attended in Brussels the conference on „Global NATO. Overdue or overstretch”, a reunion where he delivered the main speech during the session called „Is the Initiative of Global Partnerships a bonus value to the NATO Partnership for Peace”.

November 16th 2006 – NATO Secretary General, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, paid a visit to Bucharest, in the context of the allied preparations of the NATO Summit in Riga.  

November 28th – 29th 2006 – NATO Summit from Riga, Latvia.


January 26th 2007 - The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Mihai-Razvan attended the informal reunion of foreign affairs ministers of the NATO member states in Brussels, as well as a working breakfast NATO-UE. The list of discussion included two subjects of major international interest: Afghanistan and Kosovo.

April 26th – 27th 2007 – Mr. Adrian Cioroianu, the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, attended the informal reunion of Ministers of Foreign Affairs from the NATO member states in Oslo. The Reunion assessed the degree of implementation of the decisions taken by the heads of states and government from the NATO member states during the Riga Summit, held in November 2006.
On this occasion, NATO Secretary General made public a decision of the Alliance regarding the city which will host the 2008 NATO Summit, namely Bucharest.

June 12th – 14th 2007 – The Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Adrian Cioroianu, paid a visit to Washington, where he met the USA Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, the  USA President’s counsellor for national security, Stephen Hadley and Gordon England, deputy of the Secretary of Defence. Regional and international topics were discussed, including issues related to the NATO Summit from April 2008 organised in Bucharest.

June 28th – 29th 2007 – Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Adrian Cioroianu, attended the Security Forum  of the Euro-Atlantic Parliamentary Council (EAPC), in Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.  The Afghanistan issue was discussed during the Reunion, the issue of the Western Balkans (Kosovo and the future of the  Balkans; the Balkans’ perspectives of Euro-Atlantic integration), as well as energetic security (strategic relations and reliable sources; NATO’s role and the role played by other international organizations).

August 23rd 2007 – The Department for organising the NATO Summit within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched a contest for creating the  Summit logo.

September 6th 2007 – The USA permanent representative with NATO, Victoria Nuland, paid a visit to Bucharest and met the President of Romania-  Mr. Traian Basescu, the Prime Minister- Mr. Calin Popescu Tariceanu as well as the Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs- Mr. Adrian Cioroianu.

September 21st 2007 - The Agreement Memorandum regarding the NATO  Summit was signed in Bucharest by the Secretary of the North-Atlantic Council, Berndt A. Goetze, as well as by Secretary of State Victor Micula, coordinator of the MAE department commissioned to organise the event.  

October 21st- 23rd 2007 - Jean François Bureau, Deputy of the NATO Secretary General for public diplomacy, paid a visit to Romania in order to attend the launching of the “Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation” conference organized by the German Marshall Fund of the United States. During his visit, the NATO official discussed with the Romanian authorities aspects regarding the preparation of the NATO Summit in Bucharest, focusing on public diplomacy.

October 29th 2007 - Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO Secretary General, paid a visit to Romania in order to check on the preparations made for organizing the NATO Summit in Bucharest.

6-7 December 2007 - Brussels Reunion of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of NATO. Romania was represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Adrian Cioroianu, and during the discussions the ministers agreed to intensify the political dialogue regarding Kosovo, Afghanistan, the future regime of CFE and the fight against terrorism. It was also agreed to continue the discussions on the issue of the anti-missile shield and NATO transformation, subjects that are on   the Bucharest NATO Summit agenda.


11 January 2008 - Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, NATO Secretary General, paid a new visit to Bucharest. The main purpose of the visit was to present the locations of the NATO Summit organized between the 2-4 April 2008, but during the discussions with the Romanian officials, important subjects for NATO were also approached, among which  the military operations run by NATO, updating the Alliance’s ability to cope with the new security risks from the South-Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region. Also, NATO Secretary General delivered a speech at the Central University Library, before an audience made of students and representatives of academic environments.

8-10 February 2008 - The Conference on Security Policies from Munich, an event where Romania was represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Adrian Cioroianu. The debates were focused on issues of conflict management, a topic that will also be on the NATO Summit agenda.