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 Media Advisory

Second Media Advisory

Summit meetings of Heads of State and Government,

Bucharest, Romania, 2 to 4 April 2008

Important information is contained here, concerning accreditation, bookings and pooled events. This second media advisory on the Bucharest Summit expands on and replaces the one released 11 January. Important information is in bold.

1. Meetings of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) at Heads of State and Government level will be held in Bucharest, Romania, on 2, 3 and 4 April 2008. There will also be a high-level expanded meeting on Afghanistan. Meetings of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, the NATO-Ukraine Commission and the NATO-Russia Council will also be held at Summit level in Bucharest.

2. The Summit will be chaired by the Secretary General of NATO, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheffer. The Romanian President, H.E. Mr. Traian Băsescu will host the meetings.


3. Media representatives wishing to cover the Summit must request accreditation. Applications for accreditation can only be made on-line via internet, by clicking on the following link:

4. Applications for accreditation should be made no later than 19h00 on Saturday, 29 March 2008. Applications received after 19h00 on Saturday, 29 March 2008 will not be processed.

5. The accreditation process requires interested media representatives to create a user name and password and to provide a digital picture (3.5 x 4.5 cm passport-size photograph in JPEG format, less than 100kb in size). Those with an already-defined user name and password can use their existing profile for this request.

6. Media representatives having completed the request for accreditation on the internet are encouraged to bring a print-out of the request confirmation.

7.  Media passes must be picked up in person at the Media Accreditation Office upon presentation of a valid I.D. card or passport and a valid press card (or letter of accreditation from a recognised media organisation).

8. The Media Accreditation Office will be located in a temporary structure in Izvor Park, Bucharest, across from the meeting venue and Media Centre. Opening hours of the Media Accreditation Office will be as follows:

 Friday  28 March  09h00 - 19h00
 Saturday  29 March  09h00 - 19h00 
 Sunday  30 March  15h00 - 19h00 
 Monday  31 March  08h00 - 19h00 
 Tuesday  1 April
 08h00 - 19h00 
 Wednesday  2 April
 08h00 - 20h00 
 Thursday  3 April  07h00 - 20h00 
 Friday  4 April  07h00 - 12h00

9. Access to the Media Accreditation Office will be possible via shuttle bus from designated media hotels (see point 10 below), the airport, as well as via public transport or taxi cabs.

Programme and Pools

10. Accredited media representatives will receive a programme and media handbook upon receipt of their media pass from the Media Accreditation Office.

11. The Secretary General will brief the media on 3 April and on 4 April. Precise times will appear in the media programme and are subject to change. On 3 April, press conferences are foreseen one before lunch and the other before the evening programme.  On 4 April, press conferences are foreseen one mid-morning, and the other before lunch.

12. Some media events are open to all media representatives, others are restricted. Press briefings are typically open media events. Restricted events include the coverage of opening sessions in the Council chambers, the official photographs and official arrivals. Restricted events can be covered by photographers and cameramen only, via a system of pool cards.

13. Pool cards are delivered to the media by the Delegation press officer of the country from where the media comes (e.g. UK for Reuters, Romania for TVR, etc…). Contact details will be made available in the Media Handbook delivered upon accreditation. Requests for pool access should be directed to these press officers. They will distribute pool cards in Bucharest no earlier than 1 April 2008.

14. Those who do not gain access to pools can nevertheless obtain photographic and video material from NATO and / or the Host Nation. The main point of contact for that is the Information Desk of the Media Centre, or the websites of the Host Nation and NATO.

15. Twelve main pooled events have so far been identified for photographers and TV cameramen. Pooled event No. 4 below will include a ceremony during which Heads of States and/or Government will be honoring military personnel representing all armed forces of the 26 Allies. All of the pooled events will be transmitted live to the media centre :

  1.    Keynote addresses, NATO Secretary General, Youth event and German Marshall Fund conference (2 April)
  2.    Protocol Arrivals (2 April)
  3.    Informal Arrivals (3 April)
  4.    Opening of the North Atlantic Council meeting (NAC) (3 April)
  5.    [NAC with Invitees], if any (3 April)
  6.    Official photograph (3 April)
  7.    Opening of the EAPC Working Lunch (3 April)
  8.    Official photograph with EAPC (3 April)
  9.    Opening of the Meeting on Afghanistan (3 April)
10.    Opening of the NATO-Ukraine Commission (4 April)
11.    Opening of the NATO-Russia Council (4 April)
12.    Visits to the NATO Exhibits (throughout)

Coverage of Bilateral Meetings

16. Many national delegations are expected to take the opportunity of the Summit to schedule bilateral meetings and in some cases, they will solicit certain media to cover such encounters. These bilateral meetings are not Summit Media events per se, and it is therefore up to each individual delegation to identify media and to arrange with Host security the photographers’ or cameramen’s access to the meeting venue.


17. The meetings will take place at the Palace of Parliament, 2-4 Izvor Street, Sector 5, Bucharest.

18. The Media Centre will be located on-site, with a separate, dedicated entrance through the Media Accreditation Office only (see above). Access to the Media Centre requires a media pass delivered at the Media Accreditation Office. Opening hours for the Media Centre will be as follows:

 Monday  31 March
 08h00 - 19h00
 Tuesday  1 April  08h00 - 21h00 
 Wednesday  2 April  08h00 - end of operations 
 Thursday  3 April  07h00 - end of operations 
 Friday  4 April
 07h00 - end of operations 
 Saturday  5 April
 07h00 - 12h00 


19. Media Passes need to be worn visibly at all times and secondary identification may be asked for at any time by security personnel. Media representatives are informed that security personnel will examine and may test equipment and personal effects carried onto the site. Considering the great number of participants and the period of time needed for security checks, media representatives are advised to arrive with sufficient lead time in order to be in the Media Centre with at least 30 minutes before the first media event.

Press Conferences

20. The Romanian Authorities have made available 16 rooms designed for press conferences. They all include TV lighting and sound systems, including sound points for recording. The three largest rooms include interpretation facilities. The main press conferences in the main Press Theatre (400 seats) will also be transmitted live on CCTV.

21. Detailed maps will be provided in the Media Handbook, and specific times will be announced via the closed-circuit TV system. National delegations will reserve space and time with the NATO Media Coordinator’s office for their specific press conferences.

22. Access to press conferences is normally open to all accredited media without pool cards; delegations reserve the right to restrict access to their national media only.

Requests for Interviews

23. Requests for interviews with the Secretary General should be directed to the NATO Spokesman’s Office. The point of contact is Mrs. Hedwige Lauwaert,

24. Requests for interviews with representatives from Delegations should be directed to the delegations themselves. Their contact details in Bucharest will be available in the Media Handbook delivered upon accreditation.

Television – Host Broadcaster

25. The Host TV broadcaster for the Summit is Romanian Television TVR. TVR will provide coverage of delegation arrivals, the opening sessions, official photographs, evening events and the main international news conferences. A complete international broadcasting centre and master control, with stand-up positions inside and outside as well as TV interview studios will be available.

26. Eurovision will provide comprehensive broadcast facilities, including stand-up positions for live programme inserts, tape playout, editing and distribution of the pool audio and video signals in un-equipped workspaces/TV editing booths.

27. Booking requests for EBU stand-ups, requests for tape playout, editing studio time and/or use of a dedicated TV editing booth should be addressed to:

Mr. Lance Newhart
Eurovision Operations
European Broadcasting Union (EBU)
Telephone: +41.22.717.28.41
Mobile phone : +
Fax: +41.22.747.48.40

28. Television broadcasters bringing bulky equipment into the Media centre are particularly urged to do so prior to 12h00 on Wednesday 2nd April 2008.

29. In addition to the stand-up position dedicated to EBU clients, a number of positions will be available for media using their own equipment. Bookings of those spaces will be received by the Romanian Task Force through:

Mr. George Nicoara
Telephone: +40.21.410.40.40
Mobile Phone: +

30. The Romanian Authorities have provided a contact with the Customs Office to facilitate the entry of any specific TV equipment to be used on site for this event.

Contact: Liviu Sorin Ipate
Direct Phone : +40.21.310.35.13
Phone: +4021.315.58.58
Fax: +4021.315.82.51

31. Media representatives from EU countries may come in and out of Romanian territory without having to pass the customs procedures for their personal belongings or professional equipment.

32. For media representatives coming from non–EU countries, both their personal belongings (reasonably necessary for the trip) and those needed for their professional activities during the Summit (sound, image and data supports, equipment meant for TV and radio production and broadcasting and the vehicles specially adapted for the above-mentioned purpose together with their related equipment) during the Summit are to be subject of customs procedures for temporary admission, with total exoneration from import owns. Having an ATA/CPD license for these goods is highly recommended.

Radio – Host Broadcaster

33. The Host Radio Broadcaster for the Summit is Romanian Radio SRR. Radio studios, editing booths and sound distribution points will be available for radio media representatives on site. EBU Radio will deal with booking requests, provide signal and technical assistance as required. For EBU services, full specifications and rates, please contact:

Mr. Christophe Pasquier
Senior Radio Producer
European Broadcasting Union
Telephone: +41.22.717.26.22
Mobile: +41.79.794.79.46
Fax : +41.22.747.46.22

34. ISDN lines for radio transmissions will be available. ISDN lines will be in ‘Euro ISDN’ standard. Please check if you need a proper adaptor to use Euro ISDN lines.

For additional technical information and technical support, the point of contact is:

Mr. Lucian Oros
Romanian Radio SRR
Telephone: +402.1303.1682
Mobile phone:  +40.744.533.004
Fax:  +402.1319.0547
Tel:  +402.1303.1682

Uplink Trucks

35. Uplink trucks will be given access to the Media Centre, in the parking located in the Palace’s yard. In order to facilitate the access in the central area of the city, the TV stations are highly recommended to indicate no later than 24 March the registration number and the type and dimensions of the uplink trucks. The times at which uplink trucks will be able to enter the premises are:

Monday, 31 March, from 9.00 to 19.00
Tuesday, 1st April, from 9.00 to 21.00
Wednesday, 2nd April, from 8.00 to 12.00

36. The Romanian point of contact is:
Mr. George Nicoara
Telephone: +4021.410.40.40
Mobile Phone: +4073.063.5616


37. Local Area Network (LAN) Internet access is available in the media working zones at the Media Centre. Laptop computers will need to be equipped with an RJ 45 plug in order to be able to connect to the LAN network. Wireless internet access (Wi Fi) is also possible in most areas of the Media Centre. For each stand up position will be available a IFB phone line, with RJ11 connector.


38. A list of designated media hotels is at annex to this advisory (121.html). Taking into account both the potentially high-demand for accommodation during the NATO Summit meetings in Bucharest April 2-4, 2008 and the necessity to estimate the transportation needs, early reservations are strongly recommended. Media representatives may choose to make their hotel reservations either by direct booking, following the standard operational procedures, or via Vacanta Travel Agency, the company the Romanian Authorities have entrusted as partner agency in making the accommodation arrangements for the delegations attending the NATO Summit meetings in Bucharest, Romania.

Vacanta Agency
35A Nicolae Balcescu Blvd, Bucharest
Reservations: Toni Hristea
Phone/fax: + 4021 315 99 04
Mobile: + 40722.603.135

39. For general travel information, the National Association of Travel Agencies in Romania can also be contacted.

National Association of Travel Agencies in Romania
Asociatia Nationala a Agentiilor de Turism din Romania
Splaiul Unirii no. 16, district 4, Bucharest
Tel +4021/ 312.68.43 ; 312.08.02
Fax 021/ 312.19.08

Travel, Transport, Visa

40. From 1 April, a bus shuttle service will operate from the designated media hotels to the media accreditation office / Media Centre every half hour or less. A shuttle service schedule will be available at the designated hotels and in the accreditation office.

41. Romanian authorities will also provide transportation every hour from the airport to the accreditation office for the journalists who wish to use it. When leaving Romania, those journalists traveling with commercial lines are recommended to ensure themselves that they will be at the airport at least two hours before the departure time.

42. Media representatives coming from NATO countries – except Turkey – do not need visa for entering Romania. Media representatives coming from other countries should check with the nearest Romanian Embassy or Consulate or visit the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website regarding visa requirements. Media representatives should apply for a visa only after submitting an application for accreditation to the NATO Bucharest Summit. In order to avoid possible confusion, media representatives are asked to apply for a visa at least 10 days after submitting the accreditation application.

43. Any additional request should be communicated to the Romanian team no later than 25 march, in order to be analyzed and, if possible, solved.
Point of contact:
Andreea Cotoc
Tel. +4021.230.4647
Mobile +40.730.635.614

Enquiries and Contact information

Mrs. Alina Coca
Romanian Media Operations
Romanian Summit Task Force
Tel: +
Fax: +

Mr. Damien Arnaud
NATO Media Operations
NATO IS Summit Task Force
Tel: +32.2.707.50.38
Fax: +32.2.707.50.57