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The Media Centre is situated in the same building that houses the NATO Summit, the Palace of Parliament, and is located on four floors.

The broadcasting centre (audio- video broadcasting), the radio and television editing booths and the catering area shall be situated at the ground floor (S2). The two work spaces for journalists shall be situated at the second (P) and the third floors (P1).

The opening hours of the Media Centre is the following:

 Monday  31 March  08:00  19:00
 Tuesday  1 April  08:00  21:00
 Wednesday  2 April  08:00  end of activity
 Thursday  3 April  07:00  end of activity
 Friday  4 April  07:00  end of activity
 Saturday  5 April  07:00  12:00

The main Press Conference room and most of the briefing rooms are situated in the Media Centre, at the 1st floor (S1).

The radio studios are situated at the second floor (P), and the TV studios at the third floor (P1). 

The mass-media representatives (mainly TV journalists) will be able to install their equipment in the Media Centre as of March 31, 2008.

Information and Press Distribution Office

The Information and Press Distribution Office in the Media Centre shall provide the mass-media representatives with NATO publications and press releases, general information regarding the facilities available and their location.

The Information Office shall distribute, free of charge, audio tapes for the journalists interested, as well as earphones to listen to the CCTV transmissions.

Editing booths, stand-up positions and radio-TV studios booking shall also be made at the Information Office.

The Information Office shall distribute the press pool passes based upon the card proving accreditation to the Summit.

Pool cards will be distributed to visual media representatives via the national delegations on site on 1 April 2008. No pool cards are required for access to press conferences.

Press pools

For every press pool, journalists shall receive a separate pass. A limited group of journalists participates in these press pools.

Upon receiving the pool passes, the pool members shall agree to share their materials with any mass-media organization requesting them, provided that it is accredited to the Summit and is not included in the press pool.

The press pool passes are valid only together with the official accreditation. 


The agenda of the morning of April 3, 2008 makes it impossible for the same mass-media institution to broadcast both the arrival of the Heads of Delegation and the official opening of the Summit!

Media Centre - Floor P1

Media Centre - Floor Pm

Media Centre - Floor P

Media Centre - Floor S1

Media Centre - Floor S2