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 Victory Avenue
The area of the Old Center of the Capital City is directly linked to the famous VICTORY AVENUE, binding the United Nations Square to the Victory Square, being 2700 m long.

A part of what the Victory Avenue is today has existed since 1692, since the days of the ruler of Tara Romaneasca, Constantin Brancoveanu, under the name of “Mogosoaia Bridge”. It was paved with logs.
It was paved with stone during the reign of the ruler Grigore Ghica (1849-1856) and here were fitted the first illumination systems, with “torches impregnated with naphtha or resin”. It became the most important artery of Bucharest and in 1882 here were also fitted the first electric installations in Bucharest, in front of the Royal Palace.

Its importance is officially recognized in the 19th century, when it became the princely street.

The name of Victory Avenue it still has was given to it in October 1878, when the victorious Romanian army entered Bucharest after the Independence War.

Each building on Victory Avenue has its own history. Across the street to the Romanian Police headquarters and to the Victoria Shopping Center there is the Macca-Villacrosse arcade, built by the architect Filip Xenopol in 1891. It is covered with glass and it shelters boutiques, elegant cafes and dwellings.