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RATB Routs during the NATO summit
A series of public transport lines from Bucharest will be detoured during the Summit (02-04 April) and during the simulations of the security measures due to the NATO reunion (29th of March).

Following the general road traffic restriction on the Highway Bucharest-Ploieşti, Mărăşeşti Blvd. (between Blvd. Expoziţiei and Blvd. Poligrafiei), Highway Kiseleff (the section between the Arch of Triumph and Victoriei Square), Victoriei Way, Blvd. United Nations, Blvd. Libertăţii, 13th of September Way, Izvor Street, B. P. Haşdeu Street, bus lines, trolley buses and maxi-taxi from Bucharest which are crossing the security areas formed for the NATO summit will be detoured.

The lines 79 and 86 will therefore be operational on the basic route between 'Basarabia Blvd.', namely 'the National Stadium” and “Iancului School”, then changed for the both senses on  Pache Protopopescu Blvd, Carol I Blvd., Regina Elisabeta Blvd. (common with the line 85).

The lines 122, 137 and 268 will be operational for the changed routes on the way to the University Square, from the cross-roads Ştirbei Vodă Street-Luterană Street through the Luterană Street, Romană Square, University Square with return through Regina Elisabeta Blvd., then the current routes. The other sense is not changed.

The lines 126, 168, 226 and 368 will be operational for the changed routes from the crossroad Ştirbei Vodă Street-Luterană Street through Luterană Street, Romană Square, and then the current routes.

The line 136 will be operational on the basic route 'C.E.T. West Militari' and the crossroad Highway Pandurilor-Dr. Rainer Street through Dr. Rainer Street with return at the Izvor Bridge through Splaiul Independentei (left bank) and then on the way of departure.

The Line 300 will be operational on the basic route between 'Clăbucet' and the crossroad Blvd. Ion Mihalache- Buzeşti Street (Victoriei Square) and then on the changed route through Buzeşti Street, Grivitei Way, Lahovari Square and then on the way of departure.

The Line 301 will be operational on the way of the Romană Square from the crossroads Bucharest-Ploieşti Highway/Blvd. Aerogării/Blvd. Ion Ionescu de la Brad through the Bucharest-Ploieşti Highway, Kiseleff Highway, and Blvd. G-ral C-tin. Prezan, Dorobanţilor Way and the current route.

The Line 335 will be operational on the way Băneasa Airport cut-off to “Bucharest-Ploiesti Highway” (end of the line 5).

The Line 381 will be operational on the basic route only between 'Reşiţa Square' and 'Romană Square'.

The Line 385 will be operational on the Basic route between 'Oltului Valley' and the crossroad 13th of September Way- Pandurilor Highway, then changed in both ways through the Pandurilor Highway, Splaiul Independenţei, Izvor Bridge and then the current route.

The Line 783 will be operational on the way 'Unirii Square' from the Arch of Triumph” Square through the Blvd. C-tin. Prezan, Blvd. Aviatorilor, Blvd. Lascăr Catargiu, 'Victoriei Square' and then the basic route.

The route of the line 783 from the National Road 1 towards Otopeni Airport is changed through a ring road where in the present the exit of the buses into the National Road 1 to Bucharest is carried out.

During the close time of the road traffic from the crossroad Victoriei Way-Blvd. Queen Elisabeta the lines from the area will be operational on the routes changed therefore:

The Line 61 will be operational on the basic route only between 'Master S.A.' and 'Operei Square'.

The Line 69 will be operational on the basic route only between 'Argeşului Valley' and 'Operei Square'.

The Line 70 will be operational on the current route only between 'Blvd. Basarabia' and 'Pache Protopopescu Square' (Izvor Rece).

The Lines 79 and 86 will be operational on the basic route between 'Blvd. Basarabia', namely 'the National Stadium' and 'Iancului School', then changed on the both ways on Blvd. Pache Protopopescu until 'Pache Protopopescu Square' (Izvor Rece).

The Line 85 will be operational on the basic route only between 'Baicului' and 'Pache Protopopescu Square' (Izvor Rece).

The Line 90 will be operational on the basic route only between the “National Stadium” and 'Pache Protopopescu Square' (Izvor Rece).

The Line 91 will be operational on the basic route only between 'Ialomiţei Valley' and 'Operei Square'.

The Line 92 will be operational on the basic route only between 'Dunării Dam' and 'Pache Protopopescu Square'.

The Lines 122, 137 and 268 will be operational on the changed routes from the crossroad Ştirbei Vodă Street/Luterană Street thrpugh Luterană Street, Blvd. Dacia, Romană Square.

The Lines 336 and 601 will be operational on the changed routes from the Opera Bridge through “Splaiul Independenţei”, Unirii Quare, University Square, Rosetti Square.

In order to avoid unpleasant situations the authorities responsible with the security of the NATO Summit recommend to the citizens of the Capital to get informed about all the restrictions imposed by the security measures which will be in force during the reunion.