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Traffic Restrictions in Bucharest on the Occasion of the NATO Summit
Between 2 – 4 April 2008, traffic restrictions will be imposed in order to ensure optimal travel conditions for the official motorcades of the participants in the NATO Summit in Bucharest, according to the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police.

A single corridor for the official motorcades will be established between Henri Coandă International Airport and the Palace of Parliament. The boundaries of this corridor wil be marked by auxiliary signalling means and it is forbidden to enter it.

On Bucureşti-Ploieşti Rd., from the airport to Presei Libere Square, the single corridor includes the 2nd and the 3rd traffic lanes, in both directions. Public traffic will be allowed outside the corridor on the 1st lane, in both directions.

On Kiseleff Rd., between Presei Libere Square and the Arch of Triumph, public traffic will be forbidden on the central section, but it is allowed on the side lanes.

Traffic will be closed on Kiseleff Rd. between the Arch of Triumph and Victoriei Square and, further on, along Calea Victoriei St. to Naţiunile Unite Bridge and on Naţiunile Unite Ave.

Traffic will be closed along the Parliament Palace perimeter, namely Izvor St., 13 Septembrie St. between Panduri Rd and Libertăţii Ave., Unirii Ave. Between I.C.Bratianu Ave. and Constituţiei Square and on Libertăţii Ave.

Along this route, from Henri Coandă Airport and to the Parliament Palace, the corridor can be crossed in the following points: Bucureşti Ploieşti Rd.- Aerogării Ave., the Arch of Triumph, Kiseleff Rd.-  Arhitect Ion Mincu St., Calea Victoriei St.- Dacia Ave., Calea Victoriei St.- Regina Elisabeta Ave., Calea Victoriei St.- Naţiunile Unite Bridge, according to the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police.

On 2 April 2008, traffic will be forbidden on Regina Elisabeta Ave., Eroii Sanitari Ave. and along the perimeter of Cotroceni Palace, namely Cotroceni Rd., between Cotroceni Bridge and Leu Square, Dr.Gheorghe Marinescu St., Geniului Ave. from Panduri Rd. towards Leu Square. This section can be crossed at Operei Square and at Eroilor Ave. - Eroii Sanitari Ave. crossroads.

Vehicles cannot stop on the routes mentioned at the „Single Corridor” key, either on the roadway, or on the sidewalk, on the streets that provide access to the corridor, up to 10-15 meters away from it, as well as along the perimeter of the objectives.

On 29 March 2008, there will be carried out the simulation of the measures for the Summit, including the creation of the single corridor.

On that day, as well as between 02-04 April, the traffic sign system  will be modified and completed by direction signs.

The traffic police will ensure the following: police escorts for the motorcades, the motorcade movement on the single corridor, a smooth road traffic on the main arteries outside the single corridor, clearing the roadway and sidewalks of the vehicles parked or pulled over on the travel routes and along the perimeters of the Parliament Palace and Cotroceni Palace, in cooperation with Bucharest City Hall. 

The special measures that will be taken on 29 March, as well as between 02-04 April, will affect the vehicle and pedestrian traffic both along the mentioned perimeters, and throughout Bucharest.

In order to avoid inconveniences, the specialists of the Bucharest Traffic Police Brigade recommend:

    the vehicles that transit Bucharest should avoid crossing the capital city;

    public transportation should be used whenever possible;

    both drivers and pedestrians should respect the indications of the traffic police agents who escort official motorcades and of the traffic agents on the routes, giving these indications priority over road signs and traffic lights;

    bypasses should be selected only after obtaining appropriate information in this respect;

    improper honking should be avoided.